
I checked something and the school I want to apply to for Computer Management (basically the paper I need to prove I’m a dev) requires me to do PE.... Like, come the FUCK ON. How am I gonna learn stuff (and get retold the same shit I know since I’m 10) about PROGRAMMING if I’m doing SPORTS?! WHY?! I can barely get up the damn stairs without my knees fucking up and being out of breath.... fml

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    I tool Karate and Ballroom dance. The Karate class was garbage (and way too early) but I've been dancing (Swing/LindyHop, Blues and Tango) for the rest of my life.
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    @djsumdog That’s pretty cool! Only sport I like is basketball (I’m almost 6 feet tall to, that helps) so IDK if they have it there....
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