
The VSCode material theme extension (extremely popular) has been found to be (potentially, but likely) malicious, and not only that, but the fucker that maintains it is a sleezy slimeball, too.


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    From the comments:

    "Hey y'all, I made the most prominent fork of this extension "Material Theme (But I Won't Sue You)"

    The maintainer went off the deep end last year. He pulled the (originally apache 2) source offline, then started threatening to sue people for hosting alternative versions, including them in other IDEs, etc. Genuine lunatic."
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    Copying is the purest form of flattery.
    Business people at heart don‘t understand this.
  • 4
    @Lensflare yes, especially in the east they think so. While we cry about it in west, in China it's huge compliment. Not 100% sure if that's much different than us. I mean, a Chinese will also be pissed if his original project gets less popular from it.
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    @AlgoRythm and all of that for a quite shitty theme!
  • 2
    @Lensflare I think that quote is incomplete. Something about mediocrity?
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    @TrayKnots afaik it’s complete
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    @Lensflare no it’s something like “Imitation is the highest form of flattery mediocrity can pay to excellence” or something
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    @retoor Yep, we can thank Disney for that. Competition breeds improvement, but who wants that when you can have a lifetime monopoly

    Not sure, why I don't find this surprising... I stopped thinking good of plugin developers since they made rainbow braces require a payment for langs like C# (even though it used to work in any lang)
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    “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

    ― Oscar Wilde

    I think the constant misquoting of this is flattery from mediocrity to Oscar Wilde.
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    @BordedDev I invented rainbow braces actually, I found it genius! Then I found out it already exists. So invented it but I'm not the inventor :p
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    @retoor Newton or Leibniz, let's just assume both are cool. Who cares who was first.
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    @TrayKnots I totally agree but I do not think I'm still objective regarding subject 😁 I have stakes 😁
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