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    @ebourgess my. Jetbrains license is expired since last week. I'm analyzing options for it.
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    @ebourgess thanks bro
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    @ebourgess unfortunately no :(
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    I am going to be biased here and say that I have ran Atom on 3 overpowered machines and the thing still crashes or lags. If you have different luck with it then I am happy for ya man! But I would go the VS Code route if you are looking for a decent text editor with nice support for Ruby. Can't beat RubyMine tho, sad to hear yer license expired:(
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    @mirzoz how about VS Code!
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    I've found that vscode and Ruby don't go that well together.

    But it's possible I've fucked up my configuration so don't take take my word for it O:-)
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    Vim plays well with Ruby...
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    Surely RubyMine
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    @CCAtAlvis @AleCx04 I hear and read good stuff about vs code working with Ruby. I will try to work with it! Thanks you at all!
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