I am taking the plunge and making Vim my exclusive editor.

Suggestions for running Vim (gVim) on Windows?

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    Neovim works pretty decently on windows :)
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    Obviously if always could use Vim only on Linux or only use Linux I would. That's more for my home setup. Unfortunately I don't have a say in what OS my employer or clients use for workstations or servers.

    So my question is more when I have to use Vim on Windows how can I get the most out of it so I can still be productive.
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    @Jilano Still have to tackle using any plugins. Suggestions?

    I was looking at one plugin to push and pull my vimrc with a GitHub gist so I could sync between my workstations.

    For settings I have remapped arrows to do nothing. That is anti pattern I would like to break.
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    @Lahsen2016 I have loved using the subsystem!

    Still has its flaws and limitations though. Maybe that would be a better solution than trying to get gVim to behave.

    Have you had any issues with it?
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