
Dear devRant, the avatar builder takes a boring amount of time to apply a change...

  • 0
    Solution: Don't change anything.
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    How fast is your internet connection?
  • 1
    @Devnergy According to fast.com, 210Mbps. So I guess that's not the issue; or at least shouldn't be.
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    @Skayo Yeah but I got a haircut and I need my avatar to reflect that right away. #NotReally
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    @antorqs wow! I only have 8 Mbps at home. Hhmm try to reinstall your devRant app perhaps?
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    @Devnergy It was on the web version, using google chrome.
  • 3
    This is actually a known issue. Our web server has become a little weak for the amount of image processing we do for avatars and the actual generation part for the builder is definitely slow. Unless anyone knows any better ways, I’m pretty sure we need to upgrade the server to one with more CPU, but unfortunately we can’t afford that at this moment. Hopefully soon though.
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