He: Hey could you please help me with my code?
Me: mhmm ok..
He: I've made this and this and this and this...aaand this and this and... Oh that is the problem. Thx for your help bro.

I'm proud to be a rubber duck.

  • 8
    Every time I ask for help I instantly see my stupid mistakes
  • 5
    People in this discussion will refer to my classmates doing their project we were allowed to choose like 3 months ago and back then I already told them they won't ever manage to make it work in time.

    People: "yo could you help real fast"
    Me: "aaah not again but okay why not"
    People: "here's the code"
    Me: "the fuck is this? What is it supposed to do?"
    People: "ummm it should doooo eeeerrr... Like this and .... Yeah we don't know. The output should look like that but it doesn't"
    Me: "the fuck did you even try to do. That'll never work. And I told you the same thing like 3 months ago when you just chose the project. Just go and use some random math lib you find"
    People: "kkkk"

    Their code seriously made no sense at all. Parsing substring within like 5 nested loops and like 20vars called "s1" and "theString" and what not.
  • 4
    Ive done this a few times on SO. Struggled with something for ages, think screw it, I'm stuck I'll be brave and ask.

    Get halfway down writing everything out and thinking wait that's not right let me check the code.... doh yep I did put that silly me "closes SO tab"
  • 3
    Well, at least you aren't a...
    Wait i can't type that...
    $ ed ./rant

  • 2
    I do this to my poor neighbor all the time 😂
  • 2
    As a TA I do this ALL the time 😅
  • 0
    #dailyfeaturedrant @twitter whoop whoop
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