Situation a few months ago: Talking to beginners in a WhatsApp group and helping them with their problems and questions. Thought it would be nice and easy.
After a few weeks, we are "talking" about programming languages used to build a simple website (we were main talking about frontend) so I did my thing, helped them etc.
--- btw. you need to know that the link to the group was available on on a learning platform("sololearn")---
Later in a personal chat with someone:
He:Can you teach me a bit
Me: what do u want to know
He: hmm like what is the exact difference between backend and frontend
Me(in short): [...]languages you mostly use for the frontend thing are for example JavaScript[...]
He:what is JavaScript

*Contact blocked*

Dude. Still have got a painful headache.

Oh btw here are some learning-platforms:
Post some in the comments!

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