Got an email in response to an internship application asking "if you can just complete a coding challenge within next 24 hours thanks". They also wanted to me to setup a phone interview today or tomorrow. As if they expected everyone to drop everything with no explanation.

Told them I'm busy but can get started on Sunday, and was told they have assessment centres next week so it can't wait. No real apology.

I didn't set the date for the assessment centre, this is your fuckup. You have to at least feign respect when you ask for a day of my time with less than a week's notice. Been through too many bad interviews to waste my time on a company that doesn't have its shit together and/or doesn't respect interns.

Idk, maybe I overreacted. Thoughts?

  • 2
    Be easy for your self and choose well on who you work for.

    Don't sell yourself for slave labor.

    Be safe 😄
  • 3
    Not a overreaction
  • 0
    @norman70688 Yeah, you're right. I think I was just projecting. Been rejected from quite a few places for seemingly arbitrary reasons, and it's easy to think it's because I won't bend over backwards to get a job.
  • 1
    I feel this, unfortunately.

    The internship hiring process is _worse_ than articles about how poor the hiring process in the tech field is. I probably applied to 80 internships and got even an email back from 5. Then a few of those took me halfway through the process and just ghosted, no rejection, no acceptance, just *POOF GONE*. One of them expected me to drive across 2 States for an in person interview with 1 week notice, during middle of the day midweek while I have classes. And the final place was dope AF and hired me.

    But seriously fuck hiring, let alone hiring while being an intern.

    I worked a remote imtermship gig this year and had to quite because my boss would schedule a meeting for some day, miss the meeting, and then call me at 9 or 10pm the next day saying 'let's do the meeting now' No respect for the little guys man, no respect.
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