Oracle sucks. Try to do something quickly. 1000 restrictions.

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    And the whole "if we catch you using java, we're going to charge you $$$ for everything that plugs into a wall" money grabbing scheme Oracle has going on.

    We're in litigation with Oracle because Oracle says they have network traffic logs that we downloaded java some years ago and because Oracle knows knows we have hundreds of PCs/servers/etc (TL;DR), they demand we pay a java license for everything that could have an internet connection. It's our burden to prove we're not using their paid version of java.

    Does not matter we have proof that that the java download in question came from a third party install (I think it was OctopusDeploy) that had to download+update java order to *uninstall* the java runtime.

    Network guy said "When we showed the Oracle rep the logs and java is no longer on that server, he said straight faced on zoom, 'That's not proof you didn't install java on other servers.'"
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