>starts a new project
>new project is kernel
>implements a big bunch of C++ stl
>wants to implement a FS
>needs ATA-Drivers
>Writes Ata drivers
>Ata drivers don't work on ACPI systems
>implements ACPI according to osdevwiki
>doesn't work
>decides to read the acpi specs

  • 2
    Good luck xD
  • 0
    @aki237 Nice!

    Do you have telegram? If so, pm me: @linuxer4fun

    The project website is:

  • 1
    Damn, and I'm out here struggling getting past the initialization sequence of my SD card, have yet to even get to the point of reading data, let alone write it lol

    Good luck!
  • 0
    @FMashiro thanks :D

    Btw: clinl.org, incase you wanna contribute ;)
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