I have a serious question.
I particularly address Italian ranters.

It's about time to decide what faculty/"subject" I should go to, and I'm uncertain between "Informatics" and "Informatic Engineering".

Does someone know what the differences between the two are, and, given that I want to do as much programming (and so practical stuff instead of theorical stuff) as possible, which of these two faculties should suit me best?

If you're not from Italy, but from other countries, of course that shouldn't stop you from posting a response, if you want to.
How do Universities work there?
Are they like ours, in Italy, or does it work differently?

Thanks for your patience. 💙

  • 2
    Haha. Love the tag with pizza...
    Your are good for culture.

    I am not aware on Italy either. No comments.
  • 1
    Your tags contain word: pasta. Where is my pasta then?
    I thougt i will get free pasta!
  • 1
    Guardali così, informatica ha più corsi\esami che trattano la parte software e gli algoritmi mentre ingegneria informatica ha più corsi\esami che trattano il funzionamento\la costruzione dell'hardware. Scegli te quali dei due aspetti ti piacerebbe studiare o sei più confortevole.
    Look at them like this, Informatics has more courses\exams about the software side of computing and algorithms, meanwhile Informatics engineering has more courses\exams about the inner-workings\construction of the hardware. Choose by yourself which one of the aspects (of computer science) you would like to study or you're more comfortable with.
  • 2
    In ingegneria informatica si tratta principalmente l'hardware (il "fisico" più generalmente) e a livello software si usa quasi esclusivamente C.

    Sta a te decidere se punti a software o hardware ☺
  • 3
    Ah, okay, capisco.
    Io penso di voler fare più software.

    Grazie a tutti per le risposte, e dell'aiuto! :D 💙
    @okstar @iamgio

    // (ノ•ヮ•)ノ*:・゚✧
    Pino.Throw("Sprinkles", 6);
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 Free pasta arriving at your door in 30 ly

    @mebekix It's okay, thanks anyway :3

  • 1
    @Gaetano96 oh come on. I need pizza.

    Reason : didnt gave you incorrect info.
  • 3
    *makes some pizza for ya*
  • 3
    @mebekix *ding!* 🔔

    Pizza ready 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

    Would you like some ketchup on it? ~
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