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    @Sophia True. They are awesome, and so are their errors
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    @Sophia Some: (Most of the errors comes from adding third party packages)

    1. some actions were not firing but i couldn't tell. Use redux-logger to see actions as they are created.

    2. Immutable data. use seamless-immutable and immutableJs.

    3. persisting data. I use redux-persist but it breaks code immutability so you have to handle immutability myself.

    4. react-router-redux. replace browserRouter with connected router. Connectedrouter must be in the same component that is connected to redux (i used on the parent which broke the code)
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    @rectango @rectango @rectango Strange I never faced any of the things you say.

    1. If actions are not firing are you sure at least their parent component has connect() called on it? and that connect() page has the actions you aree calling?

    2. No comment

    3. Isn't that package either use local storage for ReactJS or AsyncStorage for RN

    4. I use router on the root page only, then it handles the replacement, and if it is to be a root page with just a specific part of it to be replaced when navigating, then that div to have its content replaced is the one that to include the <Provider>

    I've been working on a ReactJS project for a year and not a single issue of those has happened to me to be honest.
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    @gitpush Not sure why they happened to me like that. Probably because of my project structure

    3. redux-persist also works for web, if you dont' want to make fresh request on page refresh.

    4. Had this problem yesterday, that was the problem it boiled down to. Again i think it's because of the way i structured my project
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    @rectango I see, best of luck fixing them and getting on with your project
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    @rectango Are you using the Redux DevTools?

    They can be amazing for making sure that actions are firing correctly at the same time. And even better for making sure that the state is modified correctly with action firing.

    Great for making sure your async actions are working correctly.

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    yarn add redux-persist redux-saga
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    I think the focus should be on understanding JS. React or Vue, you are good either way. In the end, it's just JavaScript. Once you get good at one, you're empowered to use the other.

    React has a ton of resources though.
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    React is a useless peace of digital shit turning dev's into zombies touched with Stockholm syndrom. Version 18 and their community is still struggling to do basic async stuff. UseCallback... Oh my. Oh right, it must be front webdev reserved to genius only. Yes i am a hater because i Hate this pile of crap. 💩😆
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