
There should really be a world-wide “Offend a snowflake day”.

A day where we all find a weak minded, thin-skinned snowflake and just offend them all day everywhere they go until they either grow the fuck up or jump off a high balcony.

The motto can be from Eddie Griffin.

“Fuck yo momma for fuck yo daddy and having your ignorant bitch ass!”

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    I am more interested in knowing what happened that made you rant this :P
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    @AleCx04 Nothing specifically actually.

    I just remember a time when only a few sociopaths thought the world revolves around them and their emotions.

    Now every corner you turn there is some fucking snowflake complaining about a comedian or a wedding dress or some other horse-shit.

    Personally I try to have some fun with it if I can. The same way like when I see a religious idiot standing on a box talking about “your all going to hell!”. I sometimes walk up and yell “your god fucking hates you.”

    Of course there is a difference between serious mental illness masquerading as a god delusion and a snowflake, but it’s a thin line...
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    @leanrob i see what you mean. I normally try my best to ignore it, but man.....it gets harder and harder on each day!
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    @AleCx04 you got that right. And sadly, it’s our ignoring that is making them stronger.

    They will take any excuse (in this case our silence) as validation of their right to be offended.

    I’m hoping it’s just a trend but it seems unlikely
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    Sounds like someone is offended :/
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    @Hu-bot0x58 there was a unicode character in it that might not render right on all devices
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    Or how about doing something productive instead lol
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