
Nobody in the department knows what an ancient program really does, not even people that have been in the department for 20 years. Yet it seems to do important things.Time to shut it down and see what it was responsible for. Maybe we'll see the consequence in the next year(s), lovely 🙃

  • 2
    Maybe it just shows datetime gmt+1.
  • 1
    ...that plane crash in China must've been a coincidence, then.

  • 1
    @cb219 Nobody bothered to spend a day reading the code?
  • 2
    @BordedDev let me correct this after better understanding: people know what it does since the code is available. But nobody knows which other systems are dependent on this. Its purpose is apparently just about moving files from a to b.
  • 0
    @cb219 Do they do it through a network connection or something?
  • 1
    @BordedDev not necessarily. It might connect to a db, it might also connect to a NAS. Then again it might use a windows directory, that is then again mounted onto a linux server. It's all over the place.
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