Yes, please ask me 5 times more, if I'm done yet, each time you do, things just magically do themselves

  • 1
    @Bitwise I usually have a good nose and feel, when it comes to people like that, but this time I got tricked, I could just quit, it's not any important contract really, but I did so much already, especially with improving ux and design, that it would bite me years later that just because of that attitude I didn't get to get it out there 😥

    I read your comment btw, you can safely edit it out, just to prevent any problems you don't need right now, especially with the already mentioned things 😉
  • 2
    @Floydian My heart just skipped a beat reading that, I simply have no words for how stupid it is to stop your work just for that stupid blinking reply window, that I can't mute 😶
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    @Floydian not yet atleast, I meant the native app I use to talk to that client
  • 1
    Client: not to hurry you .But, is it done yet
    Developer: let me recompile it without changing the coffee and run it again.
    It is like people are greedy and expect something to happen on it own and that too magically, but y?
    But I can surely tell all other aspect of will have similar version of let it happen magicked l magically. But y?
  • 1
    Yeah I always love this one. Like I would just forget what I was working on if someone didn't check on me every 10 minutes.
  • 0
    @spritanium it's a lifesaver really 😉
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