I had to do a minor project for this semester. It was to be made in a group of two people and everything ( work ) was shared between the both of them.

I had a friend who was my partner ( faculties decided who will be in each group ). She doesn’t like programming nor does she come to college but I hoped she would do fine and be helpful ( she is a decent person actually ).

She never bothered to come to college, or even ask how the project was going... except one day before presentation πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘.
Thankfully, my guide removed her as my partner... she was detained because of extremely low attendance... and I had to work alone... that was much better though 😁.
Minor project was kinda fun by the way... and since I did it alone, I was able to do it at my own pace and without any issue of synchronization between partners ☺️☺️

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    It's good to work in a team, you get to learn a lot of things, but when your teammates aren't supportive then even the simplest projects sucks. You made your whole project alone, that's great. Do you mind sharing things about your project?
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    @kueen well, it isn't anything much, and it kinda sucks too (both code and design)... just look at this πŸ˜…:
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    I see your only love is cpp. It's a good project on interpreted language. I like c++ but it seems quite tough many a times, and your project doesn't have bad design c:
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    @kueen lol is my love that obvious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ»‍♂️
    yea cpp gets really frustrating at times πŸ˜•πŸ˜… but it is sooooooo fun!
    yep it has bad design... i mean it became so complex to implement stuff that i couldn't add control structures πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
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