  • 4
    I was always the one doing 99% of the work (see my rant)
  • 0
    I always did group projects with my friend, when it was something not technical he would make it and when it was something beta I would do it.
  • 0
    😥😥 bad memories... Of last week. 11 people, 5 of which were artists (game project). 3 artists disappeared for the majority of the project. Had to do level design myself 😞
  • 1
    Sounds like my last hackathon. Rest of the "team" tried to get webpack&react running. Node+vanilla js ftw!
  • 1
    im germany we have a proverb
    TEAM - Toll Ein Anderer Machts (nice anontherone does it)
  • 0
    @MAXXUS ich weiß ^^
  • 2
    I was the guy doing most of the work too... and then the other where like :"ye but I helped" (all they did was make my work more difficult lol)
  • 1
    ...and a guy that u didn't know that u were a groupmate lol
  • 0
    So I am Bradley Cooper?
  • 0
    I was the one who did 110% work
  • 0
    @mhackyu 😂 I had many
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