Tried making a game with a team.
The voice actors, landscapers, concept artist, 3d modellers all treated me (the only coder) as the one with the easiest job in the team.

After spending 40+ hours working on the code I got sick of the way they treated me. I deleted all my comments from the code and quit via email.

Some people think they can easily code if they were willing to put the time in. When they actually have to do it they give up, because it gets super complicated and difficult.

  • 4
    Had same experience with web development. People were always nagging me that it is so simple for me to add a button that does X action and so hard for them to design that button...

    I'd say you did the best thing (well, except the comment removal - that was kind of a douche move) - I've done the same and never regreted it afterwards :)
  • 1
    Quitting a project because you feel you are being treated unfairly is a good move.

    Sabotaging that project by deleting all the comments is not.
  • 1
    @LynxMagnus Yeah I know it's awful. I don't regret doing it, but I've learned a lot since then and won't do something mean like that again just because my feelings got hurt.
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