Windows imgae viewer is a fucking spamming bloatware.

  • 0
    Do you have a minute to talk about lord and saviour, FSViewer?
  • 4
    Remember the time when image viewers were just viewing images?
  • 3
    @kamen irfan, xnview, ... all good. worse part is to convince windows to stop openning all those files in their crap, because they reverted to per-extension settings

    @Lensflare nah always hated those. irfan ftw because of fast easy edits - crop, resize, rotate, color/light corrections, scanning, EXIF inspect/removal. and the killer feature for me - easy batch processing
  • 3
    @qwwerty yup, I also use irfan view since… I don‘t know, maybe Windows XP.

    Point is, all of those features are image related and are actually useful.
    Unlike the bullshit features of today’s modern image viewers.

    "Log in with your facebook account to share your images with friends", or crap like that.
  • 1
    I like the original ACDSee.

    The later versions became suites && as such became a bit slower.

    Using the 'ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2018' myself.

    It's OK for my needs.
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    ACDSee Photo Studio Professional sounds like a full blown image editing solution
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    @Lensflare Which is why I had mentioned it became a suite at some point.

    Originally it was a nice, lightweight image viewer.

    Nowadays the thing does way more.
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    At work I can't install any software of my choice so I just have to put up with all that M$ bullshit.
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    @TerriToniAX This definitely sucks.

    Have you tried befriending someone in IT dept.?

    // OK, joking a bit.

    But on a more serious note - have you tried asking IT, maybe they have a recommendation w/ which they would be OK?
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