Q)whats the worst that could happen when i change my github name?

(PS1 : i already went through official docs , but couldn't understand that. https://help.github.com/articles/...)

Assume that I have a very average profile, with no repo having any forks but many many forked projects of others. I have also contributed to some other people's project .
1) i got my profile link on many websites and forms. will they redirect to my profile?
2) i think the git in my lapp has to be configured again for global configs. That won't be problem but I think i have to reclone old local reps again. right?
3) my contributions on other and my own projects : will they stilll show my new name?

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    about point 2: you don't have to clone everything. you just have to change the remote url. Check the "further reading" section in the link you shared.
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    1) absolutely not. When you change username the old one will be dead and it will be shown as 404
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    1) absolutely not. When you change username the old one will be dead and it will be shown as 404
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    @greenscar @py2js Oh i guess its a bad idea, then. any comments on (#3)?
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    For 3, yes your contribution will be shown
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    BTW can't find your account on GitHub...
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    its chaostools

    although not for a long time from now ,lol . want to change to something peaceful .

    (since petyr baelish (chaos is a ladder❤️❤️) is dead now #got)
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    @TitanLannister oh... It's you with name changed...
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