
I heard VS Code is the cool editor now , so I decided to jump on the bandwagon

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    @Alice It's still cool or did I forgot to read the newest issue of "Cool, cooler, open-source" ? . 😎
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    Yoooooooo vscode dark theme for vim is actually dope I think it's called codedark
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    @Null-Device I use the same svg placeholder for my websites lol
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    @Null-Device what do u use for ur i3bar? Looks pretty slick
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    Not as quick as vim and certainly not as cool as Emacs!
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    Atom is better. (Dont hurt me)
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    @Skrumb Why ? What can Atom do what VS Code can't. On the opposite way there are some.
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    @FilipeRamalho Its not objectively better, I just prefer it.
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    @Skrumb Then say it like that.
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    @Alice @Null-Device @Skrumb

    He's running vim in the integrated console inside of VSCode. Ya missed the joke.
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    @Null-Device have I seen that screen on r/unixporn?
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    @FilipeRamalho what can VS do that Atom can't? Not even being snarky I'm genuinely curious.
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    @n00bn00b Terminal/Debugging session sharing
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    @FilipeRamalho I'm pretty sure both of those are possible in Atom
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    @Alice haven't had an issue with that yet
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    @n00bn00b These are implemented in VS Liveshare, but I think in the Atom counterpart it isn't. Oh there is also server sharing.
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    @FilipeRamalho in Atom you use Teletype for those functions. All of those things Atom can do. Sounds more like a preferential thing than one actually having more options than the other.

    I haven't used any of these features yet. But they are possible if you need them. Don't know how they work in comparison to VS, though.
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    @n00bn00b With Teletype the guest can access the host's terminal, start debugging and access servers hosted on the guests PC ? With VS Liveshare you can do that.
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    @FilipeRamalho Yes it is literally the same thing as Liveshare functionality wise.
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    @n00bn00b I'm asking, because I couldn't find any mention of it.
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    Mention of it where? If you just Google Teletype Atom it's right there. Or to see comparisons just type in Teletype vs Liveshare. The only deciding factor between the two appears to be which program you're using in the first place. Since they basically do exactly the same thing. Doesn't appear to be any advantages over the other from what I've seen.
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    @n00bn00b I mean mention of the features and still can't find any site stating that with Teletype you can share server, terminal or debugging.
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