I’m sick of having a manager that doesn’t know how to code. His expectations are continually unreasonable.

  • 2
    Having one that has coded a few times is way worse.

    But a manager is supposed to make unreasonable deadlines. And its the task of the dev team to telll him/her its impossible.
  • 7
    I'm currently going through this in my workplace. My boss is from a computer repairs background and has no idea of timeframe, even when told X project will take 2 months. He then contacts the client and says 'yeah we can get that done for you by the end of next week no problems'

    The best way to deal with it I find is to talk to the client and make sure that they are aware of the work you will undertake to complete the project. This makes the clients expectations easier to judge and work with, as opposed to listening to a raging lunatic with no actual knowledge or experience. 👊👌
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