
Ok Facebook... it's fine

  • 2
    it is clear! every 1% of a $ ...etc.

    By the way doesn't this app kill your phone battery?
  • 1
    @gitpush no to be honest, I'm using a MIUI rom and it doesn't allow apps in background to do many things
  • 0
    @crisz oh in that case then ya I understand. To me I was using stock rom and my phone wasn't lasting long enough. That was like five years back or more
  • 0
    @gitpush well, in 5 years the facebook app improved (even if it doesn't appear from the screenshot), just think that 5 years ago it was an hybrid and now it's native
  • 0
    @crisz That is a good point, but then comes the second point that I'm not running a custom rom, still on stock and don't want more privacy sucking apps. It is enough that I'm running stock google :\
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