
I just noticed that a lot of the ranters I used to follow back then aren't around anymore. Pretty much the first two people I "subscribed/followed" to here were @NotMad and @irene, and then a host of other ranters. Most of them have dropped off the radar and pretty much one of the only few that remains is @NotMad. Whatever happened to those guys? Did something happen here when I was busy?

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    @NotMad @irene @Floydian
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    Who is notmad? Do you mean NoMad?
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    And Irene deleted his account because he got in an argument with someone or something.
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    @Floydian nothing, just random
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    @Floydian I'm german, i don't have humor ;)
    Jokes are a serious matter.
    My bot for random tagging (and maybe tagging people mentioned in posts) will be operational soon.
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    @M4xammo no bots that comment or tag people, please.
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    @dfox well that one was ment as helpful and a small joke, but ok.
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    @Floydian that bot was mor or less a joke, guess i wouldn't hat that one running for long anyway.

    Don't worry you'll get enough random tagging.
    Hou much people are still doing this anyway?
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    @dfox Yes, I meant to say @Nomad ._. I was typing this on my phone, so I think it got autocorrected or something.
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