
Boss: Can I have you design our website?
Me: Yeah, of course. I'll send you some details for the design and after you approve it, I can get started on it.
Boss: Okay, send me stuff you find.

Fast-forward to two days later, he decided going through my design checklist was a hassle so bought a WordPress theme and just asked me to make 3 banners for its slider with no given context and no help as far as design and aesthetics are concerned... way to get my hopes up then bring them down. And designing them is making me so sleepy, I took a bathroom trip to nap for a while because the Wi-Fi won't stop disconnecting either.

  • 2
    it's his fucking company, the website matters! it brings him money. what a ignorant he clearly doesn't care.
    Either you drive your business or you get driven out of business. And ignoring you and buying a wordpress template without user research for requirements is neglect and totally useless. damm this makes me angry.... what a incompetent boss.... 😡
  • 1
    I get why he bought a theme, but he should've checked with you if the theme was ok to use beforehand. sigh
  • 1
    Life hack: Add consultant to your title, they'll listen a tiny bit more.
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