YouTube iframes or iframes in general are the worst things ever made or either client who demand it instead of using video.js

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    Its like they life under a fucking rock right?
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    @LastDigitOfPi I gave up after 8 hours... I'll start again tomorrow
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    Been there. I gave up eventually.
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    @rantsauce desktop or mobile? Cause it's easy for desktop just pass &autoplay=1 after your custom image / svg and it works but the same doesn't works for mobile
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    Desktop. I couldn't style it and the content wouldn't show up if it's of variable dimensions.
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    @rantsauce I don't follow?
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    The content in the iframe changes (in height) so the iframe doesn't show all the content. When I used height: 100% and width: 100% I lost the responsiveness of the iframe.
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