So, my first internship starts in a couple days. Very excited, anyone have any tips?

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    Goodluck mate
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    Make sure that you don't just pay attention to the tech stuff. In industrial reality, there is a huge elephant in the room that you never even heard of in your education: "company politics". Figure out what it is and how it works.
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    Ask questions, lots of them, about everything, policies, stack, conventions, show yourself eager to learn. After a while start suggesting stuff, and if your suggestions are rejected ask why. Besides from that just have fun and good luck, may the source be with you.
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    @seasonsreverse welcome to devrant btw
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    Bring lube. Oh wait, wrong thread. 🤭

    // It's a joke. I mean my second sentence is.
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    Don't be afraid to ask for help, but do try and solve problems on your own first.

    If you have a suggestion for something, let your voice be heard. These are opportunities for you to learn something by joining a conversation or to show others that you can meaningfully contribute to a discussions.

    Criticism is an opportunity for you to learn. The first few times my work was code reviewed it was torn apart, and each thing that was called out was something that I could learn from and do better in the future. I hope that your coworkers do the same as mine and hold your code to the same standard as other coworkers and don't go easy just because you're an intern.

    Don't let imposter syndrome get to you. You deserve to be there, if you didn't you wouldn't have gotten hired.

    I don't think work is just about the quality of work that you do. You also have to be able to fit in with and get along with your coworkers if you want to be an effective team member.
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    Don't be afraid to say that you can't do something or don't know how. Most interns I know are so nervous they just cant say no to any task assigned to them that they just blurt out yes immediately.

    Don't do things alone. Learning happens faster together.

    Don't copy other people's behaviour or suggestions. Be yourself.
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