
A-level results lads out tomorrow, got an A, B, B & C in Geography, Maths, Chemistry and Physics, think it'll be good enough for a CS degree at Edinburgh or Queens?

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    Well I do have a few back ups that are pretty cool that require lower grades but either way I think I'll just keep pushing on, I'm at the minute trying to learn C and then I plan to really challenge myself and learn x86 assembly, but it will be wild complicated so it could take a while
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    @Letmecode yep, I know some higher level stuff but really getting down to how it works really interests me, hence the Assembly and C, and sure man you seem interested why not google the languages and give it a go, like I would suggest doing like me and just installing MinGW and buying something like C in easy steps online or another one called The C programming language, seriously it's not difficult to get a grasp of most of the concepts if you know some higher level stuff
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    Guys who left university as good coders entered university as good coders :-)

    Good luck - you will be fine!
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    Congrats on the grades! It's been two years since I got mine. 😁 You're in the same line as me, just that my subjects were Physics Math and Computing. And I decided to take Multimedia for college in the last minute.
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    nice marks man. no computer science though?
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