
>be me
>go to a job interview
>company said to wait 1.5 weeks
>wait 2 weeks, after that ,I message them
>the company writes back, tells me they haven't decided on a candidate yet
>two days later the company writes me a letter asking me if I'm interested in a fulltime position, and if yes they will send me more info
>I reply yes
>they don't respond in 3 days
>successfully troll a candidate

  • 1
    @senzory i do work as a freelancer, but theres no security, no benefits. No guarantee that you will have work tomorrow, no guarantee you will have work today, no vacation time
  • 4
    @senzory oh fuck off Ben Franklin. People who start companies cry for the attention of investors pretty much the same way and it's much more stressful.

    And freelancing is equivalent to running a small business.
  • 0
    build a company !== being freelancer
  • 4
    @senzory your bitching about being poor really contradicts the wonders of having a business but ok
  • 2
    @senzory isn't the author also a creator of the ponzi scheme AMWAY?
  • 0
    @senzory maybe not a founder, but an investor I think.
  • 1
    update, the company did reach out to me and offered a position.
  • 1
    @pionell neat, good job
  • 0
    @sharktits thanks!
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