If programming languages are food items , CSS will be the dessert.

What do you guys think about other languages ?

  • 1
    That's why I love CSS so much.
  • 0
    The standard Java and coffey... But what is coffyscript? :)
    JavaScript is flaming camelont( don't know the correct Word... Food served burning). Camelont because it's bouth running in browsers and on servers. And flaming because it makes the webpages alive. Think of the web but no JavaScript...

    And I'm mostly a .Net developer :-D
  • 0
    I think css would be garnishing
  • 0
    Who the hell considers css a programming language?
  • 0
    Let's assume that css is a programming language.
  • 2
    PHP would be the spaghetti dish 👌
  • 0
    Python would be like sandwich, ingredients could be anything and still would be an awesome snack
  • 0
    A very messy dessert.
  • 1
    C is the table
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