
I was watching Ryan's talk on YouTube about "10 mistakes he regrets in Node " then on a point about node_modules he pulls this one up 😂

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    Mistake 0: leaving node community in the first place waiting for it to crash at some point.
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    @amatrelan Ryan was pretty sure node doesn't have good future when he left Node.js. But it grew, stole the hearts of many. Finally Ryan is back, but to kill node for good. Mistake?
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    @amatrelan a mistake is a mistake accept it. I love that guy for his contributions to the community and with open hands we'll accept deno too. And am not against him at all, It takes real guts to talk about all the mistakes you did in front of the people who loved you for what you did.
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    @amatrelan he's creating another project that addresses issues he raised in the talk called "deno" https://github.com/ry/deno
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