
Q: Is there a software which can record my keystrokes and clicks and then translate that into a Power shell or Python or any script?

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    Katalon? But I think its only for web.
    Its easy to do with C#. Just search for some Keyboard and mouse hooks on Google and paste them into a e.g. wpf app :)
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    @hypervtechnics yes that is only for web application and android.

    For Windows, I tried writing a Powershell script with send keys to automate form fillling, but it is not interactive. If some step is missed, the script fails. I need something that is able to recognize different situations......
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    @PyVic Ranorex does this :) But its commercial and costs a lot ^^
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    @hypervtechnics I realize they are all Selenium based.... Any way to develop this on my own?
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    @PyVic Just copy paste some hooks for C# haha
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    @hypervtechnics thank you, will let you know how it goes :)
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