
"You gave us bad code! We ran it and now production is DOWN! Join this bridgeline now and help us fix this!"

So, as the author of the code in question, I join the bridge... And what happens next, I will simply never forget.

First, a little backstory... Another team within our company needed some vendor client software installed and maintained across the enterprise. Multiple OSes (Linux, AIX, Solaris, HPUX, etc.), so packaging and consistent update methods were a a challenge. I wrote an entire set of utilities to install, update and generally maintain the software; intending all the time that this other team would eventually own the process and code. With this in mind, I wrote extensive documentation, and conducted a formal turnover / training season with the other team.

So, fast forward to when the other team now owns my code, has been trained on how to use it, including (perhaps most importantly) how to send out updates when the vendor released upgrades to the agent software.

Now, this other team had the responsibility of releasing their first update since I gave them the process. Very simple upgrade process, already fully automated. What could have gone so horribly wrong? Did something the vendor supplied break their client?

I asked for the log files from the upgrade process. They sent them, and they looked... wrong. Very, very wrong.

Did you run the code I gave you to do this update?

"Yes, your code is broken - fix it! Production is down! Rabble, rabble, rabble!"

So, I go into our code management tool and review the _actual_ script they ran. Sure enough, it is my code... But something is very wrong.

More than 2/3rds of my code... has been commented out. The code is "there"... but has been commented out so it is not being executed. WT-actual-F?!

I question this on the bridge line. Silence. I insist someone explain what is going on. Is this a joke? Is this some kind of work version of candid camera?
Finally someone breaks the silence and explains.

And this, my friends, is the part I will never forget.

"We wanted to look through your code before we ran the update. When we looked at it, there was some stuff we didn't understand, so we commented that stuff out."

You... you didn't... understand... my some of the code... so you... you didn't ask me about it... you didn't try to actually figure out what it did... you... commented it OUT?!

"Right, we figured it was better to only run the parts we understood... But now we ran it and everything is broken and you need to fix your code."

I cannot repeat the things I said next, even here on devRant. Let's just say that call did not go well.

So, lesson learned? If you don't know what some code does? Just comment that shit out. Then blame the original author when it doesn't work.

You just cannot make this kind of stuff up.

  • 300
    Thank you for this real rant in a long time. I hope you getting much ++
  • 100
    yep, good rant.

    Thx for sharing your hate.

    Do you know anything about the cultural background of the guy commenting out the code?

    Sounds a bit like a "not losing face" kind of thing...
  • 41
    @tambo That is a very fair question, indeed. I have run into similar cultural issues working across an international team before. I feel quite confident in this case, though... this was a case of just being straight-up clueless.

    I have the feeling someone on their team was trying to learn automation, and using my code as some sort of learning exercise... which is fine if it's just for testing or a sandbox or whatever... but running that on production? It just boggles the mind.
  • 20
    @Ronald I've had that inclination many times... but I am a full-time work-from-home employee, and that's hard to walk away from. But days like that, the WTF-stress really does take a toll...

    Luckily this team isn't one I have to interface with any more... and I doubt they are going to come back to us/me for any more automaton after that debacle.
  • 30
    @tambo @cdrice Being an expat, and working in a multicultural environment myself, I realize there can be cultural differences that boggle one's mind.
    However, in this case I think it's plain old stupidity and ego at play.
  • 17
    Wow, just... Wow.
    I'm glad that, as you mentioned, you don't have to deal with those people anymore.
    There should be an authority to whom we could report these kinds of thing...
  • 40
    Reading your rant, made me hate those people, though I don't know them, but now I am super pissed at them.
  • 77
    I have an image like this at work that I use from time to time in situations like this.
  • 13
    @nmunro aaand I'm saving that one for future use. Thank you for improving the way in which I give feedback! 😁
  • 9
    @nmunro If in doubt - C4.
  • 6
    Humans... They are stupid AF
  • 9
    Too bad you didn't wrote what you say to those guys. I m sur it was very... Colorful ^^
  • 14
    Wish I could upvote this more. Somebody is in dire need of a stress ball.
  • 9
    Fucking hell dude, I only can imagine a fraction of how pissed you were.

    Come, here, take a ++
  • 7
    If I could give you multiple ++ I would.
  • 6
    @Ghosty Is that strapped to the computer or the person?
  • 7
    @nmunro Baaaaaahahahaha! I actually used that phrase while describing this situation to my manager. With a healthy dose of "Thaaaaaaar's". The Walrus is my spirit animal.
  • 7
    @nmunro Strapped to the problem, of course ;)
  • 13
    Holy mother of rants, finally a good rant! I had a good laugh when the comment-it-out-thing happened xD
  • 7
    @filthyranter wow Thanks thus Made Le laugh Three Minutes straight
  • 8

    Just hit 300; thanks everyone! You can never have enough things to squeeze on. Wait, what?
  • 6
    @cdrice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • 27
    I wonder what happens if these geniuses ever opens the hoods of their cars. If their standard procedure is to remove everything they don't understand, there won't be much left of the engines.
  • 9
    @cdrice maybe you should send them the gif in this https://www.devrant.io/rants/197450
  • 7
    I'm betting no recent backup of production either.
  • 5
    Oh wow...
  • 9
    Omg....you should punch them in the face...with a chair.
  • 6
    @akd5010 always a solid suggestion
  • 9
    @akd5010 made of steel
  • 6
    Gawd dayum! Here, have a 🍺
  • 4
    Awesome click bait.
  • 12
    I am still waiting for the follow up when you were prosecuted for murder
  • 12
    It's that kind of experience that just makes you think, "I... I can't help these people. They're just too stupid."
  • 6
    @nmunro Saving that so hard for future use.
  • 7
    I'm going to copy paste this into a word processor, give it a nice font, blow it up to like 75, print it on a poster, frame it, and hang it on the wall opposite my desk. Motivational poster. Did anyone make it through this without cracking up?
  • 7
    This is a good rant. I hope they all have two buttholes to poop put of now... you know, because you tore them a new one.
  • 5
    the management of their team is with iq below 50. anyone with common sense won't do this.
  • 11
  • 6
    Good lesson for others to pack code (.exe,.......) so others cant comment code so easily
  • 5
    What the actual motherfucking fuck
  • 7
    What the actual f*ck! You work with a bunch of illogical dummies, I'm sorry for you dude.
  • 9
    Didn't they notice on their own how stupid that sounds?
  • 15
    @Krokoklemme No. To this day they insist they did nothing wrong.

    Just a few days ago we came across another issue their team caused with their "updated" install process (which now looks almost nothing like what I originally wrote for them). I notified them of the issue (and how to fix it) and they turned right around and said it was my code, so it must be my fault something else broke.

    Really unbelievable.

    I'm not even mad at them anymore though - they just don't "get it". You just can't be mad at someone you can't even have an intelligent conversation with.
  • 7
    @cdrice I disagree, be mad that they have a job they are obviously too incompetent for.
  • 13
    Hooooooooooooooooly shit. Uncomment. Re run. Demand heads and/or raise.

    Jesus Christ just reading the rant raised my blood pressure.
  • 10
    Your code is broken! It doesn't work with the changes I made to it!
  • 5
    Super relatable though. Shows how important it is to go through the steps a developer took when they say your thing isn't working because 99% of the time they forgot to do something or did something a little differently no matter how amazing your documentation or steps are
  • 4
  • 6
    Holy man that's brutal yet insanely funny at the same time (mainly because it's not happening to me I guess)
  • 8
    I was the thousandth ++ :D
    Anyway great rant, and just a bit of illumination. The code can't break if you comment it all out
  • 6
    Time to find another gig. Otherwise I hope you're getting paid way above average to deal with these wankers.
  • 11
    Your 1k plusses makes me wanna have super stupid co-workers now...
  • 6
    I am angry now.
  • 5
    What a story!
  • 5
    This is actually really dangerous xD Glad you got in there and fixed it
  • 4
  • 4
    @Atari 100% true, I swear. Only the names and inconsequential details have been changed to protect the "innocent"... or at least to protect me from sharing too many details that I get in trouble...
  • 6
    OK, this is what confuses me. why didn't they just uncomment the code and test it as was given? I get they didn't understand it but why not test it and see if it runs well before accusing the author?
  • 9
    @KingSolo Exaaaaaaactly. What's even more bizarre is the entire process was very well-defined and already was tested and working for several months. I demonstrated it end-to-end during the turnover, and gave them ample opportunity to ask questions at any point (the formal turnover was over several days of meetings & classes, etc).

    The whole thing was pretty bullet-proof (until they started mucking with the code, of course). For the new update, all they had to do was drop the new payload files in a specific location and run the job. Absolutely nothing else. They completely fubar'd the process for reasons only they will ever understand.
  • 6
    I want to know what you said so much now :D
  • 7
    I would actually really like to know what you did and said afterwards? I'm not sure how I would react. Whether to speak with the people calmly and explain your point of view or going straight to the boss
  • 6
    I guess in their mind the situation was smth like this:

    This guy thinks his such a star, giving us speaches on his super baby. Who the f*** think he is?

    Let's give him some hard to find bug.
    And embarass him in front of the boss.

    Oh shit he caught us.

    We.... we wanted to.... We just commented the parts we didn't understand.

  • 6
    I have developed a special nuclear weapon that kills only one person. It creates small mushroom cloud with pop sound and kills. Enough radiation that even satan would reject from hell for high radiation levels..

    This specifically works great with people like described above.

    Noob fucking shit! Dafaq
  • 5
    Those from that team are non-technical right?
  • 3
    Feel your pain.
  • 5
    Imagine these guys working with kernels.

    I go away
  • 3
    I honestly feel like people that do this kind of thing need to be punished somehow. That's how infuriating it is. Good luck to you.
  • 3
    Fix your code that has 2/3 commented out what the actual fuck is going on ....SHIEEEEET!!!!!
  • 3
    Sounds like they shouldnt be working there
  • 2
    Feels bad man. Sorry for your loss.
  • 0
    @DoctorWhatIf unless due to cultural reasons, the authority actually supports the "rabble rabble" guy...
  • 2
    Imagine how desperate the people in that team,that let that happen will be when the day comes and they are out in the real world again.

    If any of my team broke production like that without deployment testing and communication between teams there would be blood.
  • 1
    'I played with your code and this isn't working, fix it!'

    This is happening to a co-worker, it sucks...
  • 1
    sorry for you man, that really sucks and hurts.

    However, it's the best trick I ever heard. I'll play it when I'll be on the other side and feel like being a real asshole.

    I'll say:
    - yeah...we run that guy scripts and it didn't work
    - well, we also had to change some little unnecessary things he did because they were not clear at all
    - so we even *worked* to fix something he did, we are left with an unusable system and he doesn't want to help
    - he didn't even took care of documenting the problem

    On the other side, if I were you, I'd be laughing for days and let them eat their own shit
  • 3
    The problem lies between the computer and the chair
  • 1
    This... this is insane. I have no words.
  • 1
    Hahaha OMG brings back memories. A client is converting into a new version of their ERP system and of course they had to test with the new version. On one issue ite took me about two days to find which objects it passed through only to discover lo they commented out whole blocks of code. This was the strategy of the vendor for customizations done by the client to their system. It's good to be able to laugh now 😁
  • 0
    I do that when I don't understand some code, but when somethings goes wrong I contact the author to ask or decribe it (not to blame) for me.

    Some author is nice and fully describe the detail about the code, some of them is just say "it's important" or "that the requirement of something" and it okay for me as long it's working.

    Is good to know about how the code work, but with your case I just don't have a word to say maybe a chair will make more meaning than any word.
  • 0
    maybe thats why it says don't touch the code if it is working :P Well obvious they are some noob coder who do that
  • 3
    Makes me think that if I hand over a script, I'll just obfuscate the shit out of it and just tell them, "Run it as is."
  • 1
    Bruh, you should add a bunch of comment to your code,

    "if you don't understand ask, don't touch my code"

    in hope they will "get it"

    I just can't imagine their stubborn shameless face.

    this happen to me sometimes, human just to creative with what they didn't understand
  • 2
    Holy fuck, the rage, but at the same time, lmao as fuck 🔥
  • 1
    Can you repeat the things you said next? I want to see what you exactly told them
  • 0
    n case you have an Android device. You may have entered WhatsApp on your Android device
  • 0
    I agree with you
  • 0
    Reading your rant, made me hate those people, though I don't know them, but now I am super pissed at them.
  • 0
    yep, good rant
  • 1
    Well sounds like a good plan i have to try it one time🤣 that will fix a lot of problems and time wich i rather spend drinking coffee love it🤣
  • 0
    damn I don't know if I can control my self in that situation
  • 16
    That's what we developers do
  • 0
    Dammnnnn XD
  • 2
    Usually I have issues with the devs on this site not having people skills and being lacking in diplomacy.

    This is not one of those times.

    That's literally pushing the limits of sanity.
  • 1
    *updates contracts to have a line that says "not accountable or responsible for side effects resulting from code that is commented out or not understood without having consulted the author*
  • 2
    For some reason I'm angry at these people, even though I don't know them.
  • 0
    @tsloterman I like the fact they commented parts of his code and asked him to fix it
  • 1
    Well, I'll know what to expect in the future.
  • 0
    Me saying a silent prayer of thanks that I can't work in a team yet
  • 1
    Than you for this info!
  • 0
    i would have commented that guy out.....
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