Common misconception is that low efficiency technologies (react native, in this case) are completely useless. That is not true at all. Im building a smart home, and yes i want a mobile app, but 90% is just requests to endpoints, so its way simpler to just copy paste some buttons inside a js file than do it properly with native. Would i use it in prod? Fuck no. Would i hack together a bunch of buttons? Fuck yes.

  • 10
    Would i have sexual relationship with the bird from legend of zelda? You fucking know it.
  • 2
    I use ionic in production. It sucks balls, but our clients don't mind since the app is simple as fuck.
  • 2
    @hashedram i feel sorry for you
  • 3
    I like to think that I have an alter ego - a brash Python/Haskell programmer who happily bolts together shady code just to get stuff working. And maybe sometimes refactors it to be bearable.

    The usual me is a C/C++ programmer who gets anxiety at the thought of wasting CPU cycles.
  • 1
    @sharktits what bird???? For some reason I really need to know this
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    @sharktits waaaaaaaat but kass has a peepee
  • 1
    @AleCx04 when has that bothered me
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