
If I were the world dictator I would forbid JavaScript in web pages for a month, to teach shitty web developers a lesson.

Is it normal that to submit a form I have to use the developer console!? For fuck sake, I don't give a shit about your fancy scripts that only god knows what they're supposed to do. A simple <form> with an <input type="submit"> would do the job, holy fuck!

I'm so tired of those fucking broken scripts. Don't write JavaScript if you suck at it!

  • 3
    And then of course there's a genius who refuses to use <form> and then forgets to bind his shitty JavaScript function to the onclick of the button. DID YOU EVEN TEST YOUR SHIT BEFORE PUTTING IT ONLINE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!?
  • 2
    I love using umatrix to block javascript in almost every websites (+ permanent cookies) and see what breaks.
  • 1
    See React developers, and there comes isomorphic React.
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