
fucking zoho and their fucking sign up and authentication process.

they need a mobile phone number for the sing up, alright fine, I provide. but after submitting the form, nothing fucking happened and i am redirected to the initial sign up page. fuck you.

try again and guess what, said my phone number is already used and i can try sign in with it. ok alright, i try to sign in using my number and my password. guess what? i am redirected back at the initital sign up form page. fuckkkkkkkkkk.

i try again with another number. and then this time, guess what? said the fucking email is already existed. jesus fucking fucking christ.

browse around their help desk and found this. https://help.zoho.com/portal/kb/...

sure I follow the advice and guess what? yeah i'm redirected back to the FUCKING GOD DAMN same page again.

I gave up and wanted to send them a reply on their help desk and try to log in using one of my other existing zoho accounts. GUESS WHAT? THEIR HELP DESK LOG IN IS NOT WORKING. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

I click "Sign In". Login as User or Login as Agent dropdown appear. I click Login as User since my user account is already logged in. It nothing happened. It flashed and I am back at the help desk thread with no changes. It is still "Sign In" at the top. I fucking give up.

  • 2
    I did received a verification code sms from them on my second phone. BUT WHERE THE FUCK DO I ENTER THAT NUMBER INTO?


  • 2
    @Floydian paypal or zoho or both? lol.

    I guess both are ugly as the assholes of recently fucked bitches on street.

    @Bitwise I doubt it. I tested it on newly installed firefox on Windows 10. :3 but yea I probably should try it with other options.
  • 0
    @Floydian lmao
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