
I just got a fucking job again after 2.5 months between jobs and the new place has been allowing (if not encouraging) the piracy of Windows Server in client environments... I thought this place had so much potential but I was wrong.

Going to start looking for another full time job or really buckledown and try to get my freelance project/business started.

BTW fuck microshaft for expensive licensing, but I’m not risking my certs and professional career for some idiots trying to pirate software.

  • 4
    @FrodoSwaggins Once I’m out, I’m going to drop a note to MS’s auditing team. I’m doing it to be spiteful, but just mainly because the clients shouldn’t have their systems stop working because they thought they were licensed properly.
  • 4
    @TerraNimbus-io you should also anonymously inform the clients their shit isn’t licensed properly and the service could be terminated at any time due to that. Suddenly your company won’t be so keen on pirating software for profit. This is the most sleazy type of piracy. You aren’t just making copies, you are making copies, selling them, and then building on the illegal foundation risking other people’s money!!
  • 1
    Yeah, more important than your employer getting punished, imo, is that their clients don't get completely screwed. I would inform the clients now, while you're an employee.
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