
*first class*
Teacher: Ok, you have to write if you know how to code, and write the languages too.
Guy in front of me: Yeah! Code!
Me: Hey, you know any language?
Guy: Sure! PHP...
Me: *Hm, okay, maybe he's goo...*
Guy: ...and HTML
Me: ...

  • 3
    I'm sorry but I don't quite understand what your getting at. If your saying HTML is not a language then I disagree? If your saying he doesn't know many languages then I agree that's not that many.
  • 0
    @johnfoobar HTML is an odd ball... On one hand it's just a markup, no better than Word, on the other it is a language... I could be wrong but I'm sure it's more of a framework? Someone smart correct me please. And surely you get it, we've all met those devs who've made a pretty website that connects to a database and echos out the tables and call themselves master coders, and think they know it all.
  • 3
    @johnfoobar HTML is a "markup language" as opposed to a "programming language". It's not turing complete since it has no form of logic or execution. That's why normally it's not associated with coding or real programming.
    I'm not saying it's not worth learning, but that it's inherently not programming.
  • 3
    It's a domain specific language. There are three types of domain specific languages according to Wikipedia two of those three are: domain specific markup language and domain specific programming languages. HTML is a domain specific markup language. (It stands for HyperText Markup Language BTW.) My point being it is widely considered a language just a lot narrowly accepted as a programming language.

    Unless details were left out of his statement the guy is perfectly right in saying he knows the language HTML. If he were saying he knew it as a programming language, which btw the word programming was not specified above then there could be debate about it. Personally I think it's HTML is a programming language. You can watch this video from Computerphile for one reason why I call it that. https://youtu.be/4A2mWqLUpzw
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    @pawnstar the statement was about learning to code, not "learning programming" so the butt of the joke was actually correct.

    I also hate the insinuation that someone learning to code can't start with HTML. It's a great, and useful, beginning for a newbie!
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    Sorry guys, I dont want to create a discussion here, I know that this HTML topic is big, but my rant was to show how some people think that if they know HTML they are masters of code.
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