So some of you might know I'm facing youtube iframe issues, to autoplay them in mobile

> https://devrant.com/rants/1449270/...
> https://devrant.com/rants/1450121/...

So few weeks later I found a solution to make it work the way it should in mobile i.e. to autoplay after a click on svg play button,

The logic I used https://codepen.io/briangelhaus/...

Boy oh boy I was so fucking happy, jumped out of my chair basically, So I grab a couple of android devices and it works

Enter infamous E-Corp Apple, the logic I used will never work on any apple devices, because apple do not allow autoplay on mobile, So I was like "okay, no worries"

I tell this news to my manager who is aware that I am working on this since weeks and he looks astonished for a millisecond when after hearing the same can't be done Apple, Tells me "then the issue is not fixed"

Well, you're not wrong, but a little appreciation to a trainee / jr dev who accomplished this by manipulating this would mean a lot for me.

And to Apple and Youtube Iframe API, FUCK YOU

  • 1
    To round it off, it took me around 4~5 weeks of time to do this as I was in multiple issues
  • 1
    Congrats man! Happy you got it to work:)
  • 0
    @samm thanks but my code isn't going to live due to apple's disability
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