Got postblocked on Facebook for saying a certain video (which shows useless "self-defense techniques") is the cause people are trash at hand to hand combat :D

30 days of not telling random people they are idiots, FML

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    If someone really believes to learn proper close combat techniques from a video on Facebook, they deserve to get beaten up.

    Just saying, if you want to learn to fight, take classes. Videos don't teach shit, proper or not.
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    @ilPinguino Video's don't teach situational awareness, reflexes and situational decisionmaking.
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    @FinlayDaG33k I know... Got four years martial arts (Wing Chun and Escrima) under my (orange) belt but had to drop out after a motorbike accident...

    You don't learn shit from videos - you don't learn how to control your body, how to properly hit/kick, dealing with the blowback (you know, Newton).

    Without a sparring partner, you don't learn timing, distance and lot of other things - and, perhaps equally important, you don't learn to recover and keep fighting when you're on the receiving side.

    @electric-ghost Well, you'd better learn quick if you do that... But you know what they say... The school of hard knocks is an accelerated curiculum (Meneander I believe).
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    I have had a brown belt in Judo before I quit (everybody wanted me to go competitive, but I didn't feel like training 3 times a week since I was just 12).

    I'm currently training in more realistic hand-to-hand combat like disarming.

    Only used videos as a *general* baseline, but practised with a retired soldier.

    I have a big situational awareness, some decent reflexes and a load of technique thanks to training, but this would have never come to me if I was "but I learned it from videos" person...

    Most of the video's on self-defence are useless without practicing, since it always implies you have a perfect situation with perfect responses from the "assailant".
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    @Condor thing is... here on Devrant, people often know what they talk about, so it's hella difficult to troll people with their own words
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    The cursed words have been spoken.
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