FUCK and FUCK I forgot my mobile at apartment and now i am wondering what will I do during breaks at work.

  • 1
    I had to go back home to get it. Luckily I had only driven a couple of blocks.
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    wow that's worse than leaving your headset at home, unless you have another one dedicated only for the office
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    @webheadjay nopes :(
  • 1
    Can't you just spend some time on a company computer during break?
    Also.. I never forget all of my phones so this is not a real issue I can relate with.
  • 1
    You could try something as bizarre as talking to other people!
  • 1
    @fermac I did!!! during break, I talked to an women from another office. and her interesting. so in the end forgetting mobile wasnt that bad ;)
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    dude, during breaks it's cool you can socialize and get sympathy for forgetting the phone... wtf would you do during work time?! work????!?! ouh god no!
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