
Apparently it's all game's fault... Again. This article is not even fake https://bbc.com/news/av/...

  • 12
    Of course, it's common sense that shooter games also makes us all go rampage, so why wouldn't games containing suicide make us all suicidal?
  • 19
    @Krokoklemme "You might laugh about that, but those are real issues! Since I played Stardew Valley, I started farming night and day! It's getting out of hand!"
  • 3
    I have been trying to keep myself from breaking the word limit ranting about this since it's not dev related
  • 3
    I'm so done with these dumb "video game journalist's" 😧.
  • 7
    suicide themed bbc articles drew me in and now I'm committing suicide.
  • 2
    Not surprising. Not to mention, there was also a fucking self harm part that was triggering as hell.

    The warnings weren't good enough. It would have been better if they had a list about what could be a possible trigger for people.
  • 2
    @Alice Nah, it doesn't work with movies because Hollywood. They have enough money, lawyers and other connections to avoid that
  • 1
    @Alice True that! Guess it's not "mainstream" enough *shrugs*

    The "public" and related media, have an unfortunate tendency on focussing on the wrong thing. Sometimes because they actually want to shift the views on a particular topic, but mostly because they're incompetent.
  • 1
    @Alice It's been a while since I've paid attention to this kind of news, but I do remember when I was younger getting confused as to why Germany was changing/censoring games like Wolfenstein, Doom, etc.

    Glad they learnt!

    PS: Maybe those people that tried to stir the public opinion finally found a real job, who knows.
  • 0
    If that's depressing they should try "this war of mine" or "frostpunk"
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