
Hey devRant team, I saw the new designs and they are awesome. Actually I just started learning Android App Development and I was curious what stack do you guys use for devRant Android App. And while we are on this can you guys share the stack you use for IOS app and Web app. Thank you and by the way you've done a really good job with android app.

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    About section :)
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    @neodite how stupid of me. Anyhow I visited the about section and I have one more question. Why not use React Native instead of titanium when it has obvious advantages over titanium. Is it just because you were already familiar with titanium or something else that motivated you to choose it instead of the other.
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    Couldn't say, you need to speak to @dfox. He's the developer that created and runs devRant.
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    Poor t-rogus always being forgotten.
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    @chiri React Native was extremely new when we started devRant, and it had many shortcomings.
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