Boss: ABC
Me: as an intern at XYZ firm.

ABC: this is internet is very slow today, AmanDeep what happen check it.

me: Sir,there are too much user on the wifi.

ABC:So how we can disconnect them without their knowing.

me: We have to deauth all of their connection using fluxion.

ABC: Do it fast...
me: its take time to be done, you have to do by linux.

ABC: I had done it before in my high school on cmd you and your excuses for the work.You are lame at work...
Me: Now i am searching a new internship...

  • 8
    disconecting connections without the user knowing? 😄

    Good luck with your job hunt.
  • 2
    You can use arcai netcut. Just slow down the network of others (without their knowing). They'll be connected.
  • 1
    NodeMCU De-Auther?
  • 2
    Or.... Change the WiFi password?
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