  • 5
    Spoiler: The son is adopted.
  • 5
    I don't have a girlfriend either, but saying that, if I did I think the wife might get a tad pissed.
  • 3
    isnt that meme pretty tired by now? i mean the early nineties are over. my gf doesnt directly code but she plays games, that is something right? and dependig on the place you live there are even more girls in former "nerd" areas. When i was in brazil for a few months i discovered that like every second girl is a huge dota/lol nerd (my roommate asked me what Dota is cause the girl he dated spoke so much about it) Sure, going out in the outerspace is a bit weird if you have nothing in common with other people and football isnt really your go to topic, buts its really not thaaat hard. Srsly
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