Recommendations for a password manager??
Please explain a little bit about why you like it, I wanna make an informed choice before I possibly spend some money on one..

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    I can recommend Keepsafe if you like to get spammed. I got a 25% offer and a 50% offer for their premium service "Because they missed me" It was the first and only day I used it. Can't remember what was wrong with it though apart from getting spammed back to the middle ages.

    Ive used LastPass up to now. Works fine. Sometimes it's a mess, but most usually it works nicely.
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    Your brain:
    It's free, has massive memory capacity, and is always available.

    A notepad:
    Cheap, unhackable, has zero computing requirements, but could be stolen without proper care.
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    @CoffeeNcode have you checked out the plugins for keepass/keypass2? There's a whole bunch dedicated to syncing the db across devices.
    Personally I use the gdrive plugin to sync the db with my phone, but there's many more (and not just for online cloud services)
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    I recently started using Keepass2, and I'm really satisfied with my choice.
    - secure (as others have pointed out, it's quite robust)
    - good plugin interface: the basic program does the basic stuff and does it well, but you can also extend it with plugins (and there's a pretty good selection, too)
    - you can customize the auto-type function per-entry
    - it is a very lightweight program
    - no kind of accounts or registration required, it's just you and your database file(s) (and no email spam either!)
    - you can create very flexible rules for random password generation
    - also available for android and iOS, so you can share and autosync your db across devices
    - FOSS, both as in speech AND beer!

    - the interface may not be the prettiest, but it gets the job done
    - plugins are third-party software, some may have compatibility issues across OSes

    Recommended plugins:
    - Kee/ChromeIPass: for Firefox/Chrome integration
    - KPGoogleSync or equivalent: to auto-sync your db across devices
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    I would recommend "KeepPassXC" for the following reasons:
    - open source
    - cross platform
    - offline
    - great AutoType feature

    If you prefer the terminal, you could give a try to "pass".

    And if you really wanted an online one, you could go for Bitwarden. But besides the online aspect that many privacy/security concerned users don't like, the fact that the project only has one developer can be an issue.

    PS: I'll try to find more arguments in older rants on the same topic.
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    I like Keeweb, because:
    - Free / Open source
    - Uses the trusted Keepass formats
    - Cross-platform (web app)
    - Multiple cloud storage options to automatically sync everywhere

    - No mobile app, but a shortcut to the web app does the job for me
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    Keepass for me too because I like my storage offline, off the cloud.

    @Ellis I jooe you are not suggesting to use "the brai " to remember passwords. That would mean you either re-use passwords or you have some type of "alglrithm" to deduce passwords for a service from a master password. Both merhods are bad :p
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    GNU Pass here, because it uses GnuPG (so I can encrypt and decrypt my passwords against my key and rely on that instead of some built-in crypto/key management mess) and integrates quite well with Git. It's mainly targeted at Linux systems, but there's also clients for Android (Password Store) and it works reasonably well in WSL too. And a few browser extensions have been written for it as well.

    Oh and Pass, GnuPG and Git are all open source and well-audited. Very important.
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    Started using bitwarden recently.
    It's open source, can be self hosted, has mobile app/browser extensions
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