
Does the windows "optimization" feature which apparently is defragmenting in the background, and apparently "optimizing" ssd's differently of any use? The only thing I notice is that this function makes the icons of my desktop reload on a regular basis. My guts tell me it's utter bs and is just slowing down the system.
Any experiences, optinions, thoughts?

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    @Artemix I. know.

    The point is, by default this option is enabled within windows. Even if it is an SSD and you buy a new laptop, it will do this. After some research, it says that windows is aware that it is an SSD and that it does something else to it in order to "optimize" it but that whatever it does, is not the classical defragmentation process. It is just called the same for whatever reason.

    I disable it whenever I see it anyway but some stupid updates enable it again sometimes. <.<
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    Yea optimisation is cool. It just frees the memory blocks where previously files were present. Makes ssd faster on subsequent writes so cool.
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    @yatanvesh but it gives me that flashy thing which creeps me out and is bothering me a lot. is that normal? I have seen it on several devices...
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    Elaborate on flashy thing part? I never use an ssd on windows @hasu
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    Ohh u mean the icon refreshes. Idk why it does that but I'll probably won't worry about it
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    @yatanvesh hm. I dunno. It's kind of annoying :/ like, why would it do that in the first place.
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