Switched from notepad to notepad++ about 14 years ago. I use it for all languages and
never used anything else ever since.
Any ex-np++ users who switched to smt else lately and y?

I still love np++, just trying to keep an open mind😊

  • 3
    I still use it at times instead of notepad, But vsCode does the heavy lifting n++ fails at.
  • 0
    heavy lifting like? I have a bunch of plugins for np++ tho for syntaxing, comparing and python (some python scripts i made for duplicating and mass changing on projects). The python plugin really gave me an edge since I use it, wonder if i'm still missing smt with vscode...
  • 1
    as i like to autoupload on save while doing php i did not find a plugin for n++ but for vscode. otherwise n++ is just fine. i use the portable version at work for js.
  • 0
    I used notepad++ for quite a long time but last year I switched to VsCode and I find it to be way better.
  • 1
    Don't need it if you run on Linux ;) When I did dev on Windows, that was back in the day when I was new and hacking with AutoHotkey. Switched to IntelliJ when I learned Java, then preferred Vim with what I'm doing now (Rust, Python)
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