
I prefer functional style programming because it is easier to me to think in modules and functional hierarchies than it is object style shierarchies.

All in all, languages like F# and Clojure have always been fascinating to me. I wish I could find a use case for Haskell, but I can't. If anything F# is awesome to me because I already know .NET and really dig the entire framework, the strides made by Core are outstanding.

I had tried Scala before and just couldn't get into it. Far easier to just stick to Java even if I hate the idea of extending classes all over the place.

Ocaml is interesting too, but I know little to nothing about it, and Elixir looks far too much like Ruby for my taste even if I do like Ruby.

Choice is good, but sometimes overwhelming

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    Problem with F# for me is the lack of examples, so I'm always mixing it with C#. And LINQ makes C# nicer. Really nice language, though.

    Hoping that Reason might become standard for React.
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    What about lisp? It's used in AI robot planning.
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    Phoenix elixer
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    I've used Haskell for backend stuff, it really shines there. Also for AI or planning or theorem proving. Static analysis. Reliable, unbreakable code. That sort of thing. It's great when you want to know that your program will provably work. I agree that it's a bit esoteric. I've seen Haskell deployed for heavy data processing too.

    I use F# all the time, it's fucking awesome. I just wish its type system was as easy to use as Haskell (eh. generic monads are kind of a pain in F#), but hey, can't have everything.

    @AleCx04 why not give Erlang a try? It's legacy as hell, yes, but there are lots and lots of good ideas in that language and its lightweight threads with message passing only architecture is really cool.
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    @platypus that is actually something that i really like about f# thus far: how many examples I have been able to find :P and yes LINQ is great no doubt about that, but functional programming in c# is not as extensive as I would want it to be :( still, c# is really a great language
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    @hasu i mentioned a Lisp: Clojure, which is a modern lisp that runs on the JVM :) i love lisp dialects
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    @Triskelion i dunno man, I mean the ecosystem seems great, but Ruby's syntax got me all messed up some time ago, dunno if i want to go through something similar again.
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    Fair enough
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    @AleCx04 It's really the edge case stuff. So, when I'm looking to do something with Mongo, or whatever, there's generally a lot more to work with if I'm in C#.

    So, my F# tends to be most done on my domain/business layers. Which is OK. But, then I'm writing C# and F# at the same time---and get tired of it.

    But, great language. I was hoping Xamarin would leap on it as their #1 language as that would have been a perfect place to use it. And, if it was their #1 language them the docs would be F# friendly. But, Xamarin ended up another example of where C# had better tooling and docs.

    Also, I don't see that MS uses it that heavily, which is a worry about longevity. Hence my interest in Reason. If Facebook use it for their primary development, that would be give me a warm feeling. It's also OCaml based.
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    @RememberMe you got me curious on Haskell now my dude. Any particular recommendations for trying out Haskell on the backend? As in frameworks etc.

    Might look more into Erlang as per your recommendation as well :) thanks for the input man!!
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    @AleCx04 there's Yesod and Snap. I use Snap.
    Warning though, they hit you with pretty scary looking stuff really fast (monad transformers, etc), so I'd recommend you learn that stuff first if you're not comfortable with it already.
    This is the best resource for getting started https://github.com/bitemyapp/...

    I actually went ahead and got the dude's book, it's awesome.

    For Erlang, Learn You Some Erlang is great, there's a free web version. I have Joe Armstrong's Erlang book too (he's the designer of the language), pretty good as well.
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    @AleCx04 well ok. Wasn't consodering clojure at first but yeah. It's a dialect.
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    @RememberMe will definitely look into it my dude thanks!
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    @Hu-bot0x58 will give it a go bro! Thanks for the awesome pointers!
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