unpopular opinion: I love Windows 10

  • 12
    as they say love is blind. you just proved it.
  • 4
    Wait what.. So you just fell in love with an OS?.. Or was it brewing for the last 20 years?
  • 1
    @rookiemaverick I wouldn't call it blind... I've been getting into Linux recently, I own a Mac, but Windows 10 is my favorite out of all of them. :-p
  • 2
    @lreading plz dont get offended. it was a sarcastic comment. will love to hear ur review after six months when you would be experience enough with linux and mac.
  • 0
    Ok.. Anything else?
  • 0
    @manrock007 ya blue screen because it is blue just kidding. the guy loves every px of windows 10
  • 3
    @rookiemaverick ssh baby is okay.. No point turning OSes into religions, and fighting on it..

    As for this rant or whatever it is, I don't see the point of "I love windows X".. It's like going out in the streets and yelling "I have a penis".. It might be true, but it's just irrelevant to everyone around you!
  • 2
    @klonky believe it or not, that's an actual movie plot!
  • 1
  • 0
    lol that's great I'm gunna put that on my watch list
  • 3
    @manrock007 So having an opinion on an operating system is irrelevant on an app made for developers? I'm not telling everyone they're wrong if they disagree, but it astonishes me how much hate it gets.

    For the record, I do have a penis as well, and love informing others of that fact. you've officially been informed now, as well!
  • 4
    @luminous-flux the pretentiousness is strong with this one...
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    I do too, when it isn't breaking.
  • 2
    That's okay I onced married a hooker.
  • 1
    Windows is great for gaming, I don't mind 10 for that at all. But I can't get any work done on it without at least being ssh'd into a Linux box with vim. My i3 key combos.. I can't flow without them. Having to use a mouse to set window/monitor focus, or alt tab multiple times to select what I need.. nobody should have to live like that.

    Aside from that, Win10 isn't all that bad of a release, they're trying to integrate bash. A weird bash yes, but it beats the hell out of cmd. Maybe they're getting too "app-ey" and tracking your personal info, but it's no worse than a phone, or even google or facebook. Outside of pure FOSS your info is being used to pay for services, but it does add personal convenience. I just don't really give much of a fuck about all that. If I'm doing something nefarious or super private it'd be through tor on linux, not logged in to a service.
  • 0
    I love windows 10 too! I think it is nicer than 7 e.g. explorer has some dope new features
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